Hide user accounts on a computer you have access to
Table Of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Getting to the right place
3. Finishing it up
4. Loging In
Part1: Introduction.
So this is my second article for HTS, and this article will be about hiding your user account on XP. Now before you say this is useless (wich it may be if you own your computer) this could potentially havemany good uses. Like if you're parents own the computer and you want to get on but you dont know the password.
Part2: Getting to the right place.
So what to do to solve that? Well of course we turn to the awesome regedit. From there it gets very easy. FOllow this path in regedit. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows
Part3: Finishing it up.
Now the last thing to do is to left click and add a new DWORD value. The name will be the account you want to hide. Set the value data to zero to hide the accounts.
Part4: Loging In
Now once your on the login screen hit ctrl-alt-del-del. Now just login on that login scren that should have popped up.
Well I hoped that worked
Friday, July 13, 2007
Hide user accounts on Windows
4:04 PM
Labels: Computing, Operating System, security