Nobody can ensure you that your network and computer is 100% safe even though you have installed the most advanced and updated firewall, antivirus software or even with the assistance of some hardware/electronic gadgets. As a user, you need to have some fundamental knowledge to minimize the risk of your private information being stolen and to make sure that your networking system is safe to use.
If you are not an IT technical personnel, perhaps the following 10 rules can assist you: -
- Do not use simple information such as your son’s name, your birthday, etc for your password. Use more complicated passwords. You can use the combination of small and big capital letter; add in special character such as $, %, &, etc.
- Do not simply click on any links that appears on the email received. Don’t reveal your private and personal information to any company if required via email.
- Do not place confidential printouts on your working desk. Keep them properly as the information might reveal some sensitive data. Lock your PC or set a password on the screen server if you leave your desk.
- Sometime you might receive some email from friends or relatives requesting you to forward some information. Be careful as this email might be a trap and carries spam. To verify the information, you can go to websites such as to check.
- Do not simply open any attachment provided you 100% know the sender and the attachment’s content.
- Make sure your antivirus software’s scanning machine is running all the time. Do not simply switch off your scanning machine.
- Do not simply install software even though it is free. A lot of software that is free for downloading from the internet always carries virus or spam.
- Seek help from your MIS people if you are having any difficulty.